IHRAM Writing Influencer Mbizo Chirasha in conversation with prolific Kenyan Author Jerusha Kananu Marete
MC: Can you tell us about yourself and how you got started with writing?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Jerusha Kananu Marete is an award-winning Kenyan poet, author of three poetry anthologies. A collection of narrative military poetry titled Echoes of Military Souls and a collection of Oral poetry titled Marry me a co-wife & other poems and latest anthology ,2nd Edition Marry Me a Co-wife and other poems. Jerusha is also a forum theatre expert who holds a masters degree from Kenyatta University.
MC: What formal education or training have you received in writing or related fields?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I am a holder of bachelor degree in education from the University of Nairobi, this set basis for my love affair with writing, I later joined Kenyatta University for my masters degree under the literature department, this is where the writing craft was put into practice. I have also taken two writing courses, one was a full writing course at Mystery Publishers Academy and the second was editing course at Global editorial center Kenya
MC: What inspired you to become a writer, and who are some of your literary influences?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Since my secondary school days, I used to admire authors. I particularly loved a poetry anthology tilted Poems from East Africa by Rubandiri and Cook. I particularly loved poems by Prof Austin Bukenya and I performed his poems during music festivals. I vividly recall my performance of Bukenya’s poem Naturally and I met a thief. Later at the University of Nairobi where I was a literature major under tutelage of great scholars like the late Prof Chris Wanjala, God rest His soul and Prof Monica Mweseli, and Dr. Judith Jefwa; these scholars created in me a unquenchable thirst for literature and writing.At Kenyatta University I was introduced to creative writing by Prof John Mugubi, that was the 1st time I wrote a poem that was performed in class, he gave us many other challenges in writing and my poetry sleeping gods awoke. African Literature unit by Dr Justus Kizito Makokha gave me a serious interest in African poetry performance and up to now oral poetry happens to be my backbone. Through my supervisors Prof Oluoch Obura and Dr Emmanuel Shikuku I fell irrevocably in love with theatre and film and that saw my poems produced into film in collaboration with Simiyu Barasa and Moureen Koech. The late Dr Wasambo Were played a big role in my love for African narrative and poetry not forgetting great poet Dr Kisa Amateshe. I am a product of my teachers. My interaction with authors and their works has really shaped my writing
MC: Can you share a bit about your early experiences with writing and how they shaped your journey?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I begun by submitting my poems to different poetry anthologies and when my 1st poem was published my heart was beating at an alarming rate, the excitement made me submit to more poetry anthologies home and abroad. I had a collection of military poems that I had submitted at Kenya Literature Bureau, I had been told to wait for six months and later I was told the poems were good but poetry wasn’t selling. At least I was happy they said the poems were good. A friend introduced me to Mystery Publishers and I found out the CEO had studied purely about writing and publishing. I joined the mystery academy where I learnt so many things. I decided to publish with them. A decision I am so happy to have taken. They helped me with marketing and branding. So far, I am happy with their management of my poetry anthology Echoes of Military Souls.
MC: What challenges have you encountered as a writer in Kenya, and how have you overcome them?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: My greatest challenge is making a kill out of book sales. Maan! It is an uphill task. Being a self-published author, I have pumped my money into publishing the three books, the editing part and the production of the three cinematic poems. Expecting to get returns from my investments as per now is like expecting a lion not to eat you because you didn’t eat him. However, I was told that the Coca-cola company gave out millions of sodas for free the 1st few years and the clients didn’t like the sodas but no one spilt after a gulp, that motivated them to keep marketing and branding. Today their story is different, I believe I am the next coca-cola company in writing (Chuckle)
MC: How do you envision the role of literature in Kenyan society, and what contributions do you hope to make?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Kenyan literature has a serious role of educating, informing and critiquing as it entertains. There is however another gap that is slowly getting bigger and worrisome by day. The role of literature in restoring our fast fading rich African culture. The loss of culture and identity of African culture is the source of all the evils we are lamenting about. The influx of foreign alien culture has led to the break of African fabric and it is the high time writers moved with speed to address that gap. That is the area I hope to contribute more
MC: Can you describe your aesthetic preferences and writing style?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: By nature, Africans are story tellers, everything was communicated through a story and people could easily relate. From this background I find myself inclined to narrative poetry and oral poetry
MC: What themes or subjects do you often explore in your writing, and why are they significant to you?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: My 1st poetry Anthology is purely on military theme. I was always moved when I saw how the west honored their soldiers such that the military sector is almost sacred. Even children walking on streets once they see a soldier they run to honor him/her and sometimes give flowers. When our soldiers were deployed to Kismyayu,I had similar expectations, I had very close people who were involved in the missions to fight Alshaabab . I lost or let me say we lost many souls who had left families behind with the hope of reuniting. Few came back and even their return wasn’t rosy. It was then that my interest in the feelings of the soldiers and their families hit me hard. A girlfriend who was waiting for her soldier boyfriend to introduce him to his family didn’t get him back nor did she even get to see his remains. The book was an emotional rollercoaster. It took a lot to edit that book and I worked with Mr. Vincent de Paul CEO Mystery Publishers. He had difficult time because some of the poems were so personal and emotional that I didn’t want anything changed. It is a worth read. The most insulting question I ever got in an interview was “What is so important about military and the soldiers just stay idle in barracks eating subsidized food from Afco “My heart sunk and I hoped one day the speaker would have his only son at for war so that he would understand how it felt waiting for those phone calls and news update on the number of dead soldiers.
MC: Have you collaborated with other writers or artists before, and if so, how did those experiences influence your work?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Yes, I have worked with many authors in 15 different anthologies. Some global others East Africa and others in Kenya. I think the collabos have opened my eyes on different poetry styles and also opened global vistas for me. Some of my poems have been translated into Spanish and other languages
MC: What networks or communities do you belong to as a writer, and how have they supported your career?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I am a member of Creative Writers Association Kenya; the group has got many of my mentors and from them I have landed many opportunities that have moulded me as a poet. They have online learning sessions and they invite gurus from whom I tap from their dispenser of knowledge. I am also a member of AMKA Literature Forum that meet every month to discuss literary works and from there I enrich my knowledge. I have collaborated with AdinkraLinks under leadership of Dr Gameli Tordzro, a lecturer at Glasgow University. We have also done a number of poetry projects with my mentor Mbizo Chiraza - Zimbabwe, I have worked on a project Canto Planetario with Carlos Javier Jarquin from Costa Rica .
MC: What advice do you have for aspiring writers in Kenya who are just starting?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Resilience is key, you cannot write if you don’t read. Have a thick skin, giving up is not an option. Find your niche and be humble
MC: How do you cope with writer's block or creative challenges?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I am a forum theatre expert, when I am not able to write, I embark on forum theatre projects. I love dancing, when I want to write and writer’s block hit, I listen to flute tunes and taarab, I dance to African tunes. Don’t force issues 😃.
MC: What is your relationship with politics, and how does it intersect with your writing?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: In my view satire is the best way to approach political themes. Laughing at the extremes yet intellectually asking ourselves when did we sink this low? I have a few satirical political oral poems
MC: Can you share any strategies for staying motivated and productive as a writer?
a. Keep yourself updated on what is going on in the writer’s world
b. Attend webinars and any writing activities that you can, including book launches
c. Read read and read different literature genres
d. Don’t be afraid of sharing ideas with those who have made it, share and get their feedback, keep close to the upcoming authors too
e. Remind yourself that you are writing to get money but the main purpose of your writing is to pass information, you owe generations to come your stories
f. Whatever the situation be happy and avoid stress
MC: How do you see the future of literature evolving, both globally and within Kenya?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: With the evolving technology advancements, there are so many literature materials available and different genres have emerged. Kenya is catching up very fast with the Literary evolution. The cost of self publishing is no longer a barrier as upcoming authors are willing o do whatever it takes to tell their stories
MC: In what ways do you think technology is impacting the future of literature and writing in Kenya?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Technology has made things easier for authors. There are many editing apps, some people are even designing and publishing their books through Amazon kindle and other apps The AI use in writing is opening vistas for authors. There is fear and criticism of the effect of AI taking over publishing process but we are yet to see how things turn out to be.
MC: How do you balance traditional storytelling techniques with modern storytelling formats?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: This will depend on the genre; however, craft is key in the infusion. I love the traditional way of story telling or narration so I infuse modern styles to the traditional styles and both merges so beautifully. The traditional style is rich. Most of my generation were shaped by those classical oral narratives that had a moral lesson, most of those narratives may not be fit for the young audience now, for example, how the hare would go fetching water, looking for firewood and so on, modern authors should move with speed and revive the narratives and give the characters modern roles but still retain the strict moral lessons. Our traditional narratives were so rich and educative, compared to the modern lonely settings of audio-visual stories, the interactive participatory sessions were very good for societal cohesion. Give those animals roles that modern kids can relate with. Let the lion spend time on Facebook or Twitter etc. There is a lot to be done
MC: What role do you believe cultural heritage plays in contemporary Kenyan literature?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Cultural heritage helps give people identify, representations of the values, beliefs, traditions and lifestyles of prior generations. There is a big gap here because of the fast-moving urbanization, Afrocentrism and alienation.
MC: Have you faced any criticism or backlash for your work, and if so, how do you handle it?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: One day I submitted my poem for criticism at a literature forum in Kenya called AMKA literature forum sponsored by Goethe Institute. I hadn’t done due diligence. The beating I got from the panel pushed me to a different level. I became more serious, more committed and my network with the ‘beaters’ became a stepping stone. It was there that I met Mr. Lucas Wafula and together we worked on my 2nd poetry anthology Marry me a co-wife and other poems.
MC: What advice do you have for writers who want to incorporate local languages or dialects into their work?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Have a thorough understanding of the local dialect. Consult elders and get the rich hidden meanings. Everything in African culture is meaningful and serves a certain purpose
MC: Can you share any memorable experiences from your writing journey so far?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: The winning of ARIB 2022, the joy was immense. The ceremony was fulfilling; that feeling was heavenly. I saw and heard people share their opinions about my writing and discussing my characters, I was enthused
MC: How do you navigate the publishing industry in Kenya, and what advice do you have for emerging writers in this regard?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I have done self_ publishing. I haven’t tried traditional publishers but I still hope to engage them. My advice to the writer’s is “A story burning inside you is worth every dime “Invest in publishing but don’t expect immediate returns. Let passion drive your ambition, secondly, go to credible publishers whose drive is the STANDARDS. I give Mystery a lot of credit for this. I have shared my copies of Echoes of Military Souls abroad and within and the comments I get on the standards are always uplifting. Cheap is expensive. Go for something you will be proud of in future. Of course, there is the growth but begin in a better way to get attention needed and keep updating your craft
MC: What impact do you hope your writing will have on readers, both in Kenya and beyond?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I hope to be in the vehicle that will bring standards in self_publishing. I know right now this may sound like a child’s destiny world Dreamland but believe or not, I will work with like minded authors and publishers to bring sobriety and standards in self-publishing. Not immediately but definitely God willing.
MC: How do you approach the editing and revision process in your writing?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I always get an editor. I do my best but eventually get an expert in editing. It is wise to invest in editing. It is also advisable to take a course in editing.
MC: What role do you believe literary festivals and events play in fostering a vibrant literary culture in Kenya?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: The networking that take place during the festivals has become the powerhouse and the source of many literary creations. Literary festivals are also a source of information and education on new literary trends
MC: How do you stay connected with your readership and engage with feedback on your work?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I do connect with my fans through social media and book events.
MC: Do you believe there are specific responsibilities that writers have towards society, and if so, what are they?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Writers have a sacred duty towards the society. These duties include educating masses, correcting, criticism of evils, restoring our culture and creating a bank of information
MC: How do you incorporate personal experiences and observations into your writing?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: Personal experiences are a source of writing materials for authors and I can’t claim to be exceptional. There are however some experiences that are too personal, for confidential purposes, my character will carry that cross.
MC: What changes would you like to see within the literary landscape of Kenya in the coming years?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: I look forward to the day authors will be united and form a unified union and speak one voice. I hope that the authors and publishers will one day embrace cooperation instead of competition
MC: Can you offer any predictions or insights into the future trends of literature, both within Kenya and globally?
Jerusha Kananu Marete: There will be collaborations and great growth in the writing world both locally and internationally. People will invest in writing at their own cost and stop over relying on traditional publishers. There will be a great challenge in maintaining standards in self publishing unless authors and publishers who are committed to real craft come together and have a watchdog.
Jerusha Kananu Marete is an award-winning Kenyan poet, author of three poetry anthologies. A collection of narrative military poetry titled Echoes of Military Souls and a collection of Oral poetry titled Marry me a co-wife & other poems and latest anthology ,2nd Edition Marry Me a Co-wife and other poems. Jerusha is also a forum theatre expert who holds a masters degree from Kenyatta University.