Honorary Committee

“Without art, the Civil Rights Movement would have been
like a bird without wings”

- Rep. John R. Lewis (D-GA), 1940-2020

Our Honorary Committee represents a collection of political, social and international-activist leaders who have lent their names, and often their efforts, to support our mission of using art and creativity to inspire social change. They represent our commitment to building bridges to all members of society, and opening up avenues of conversation between our artist/change makers and decision makers.

Here are our participant Honorary Committee members, with links to their work for the IHRAM:

Norman Lear

National Medal of the Arts winner

Watch the video Norman made for us for our founding IHRAF Festival, March 2017 @ Dixon Place HERE

Kathleen Turner


See articles about Kathleen’s appearance at our Festival event in Playbill HERE, Broadway World HERE and watch her on NBC Live! HERE

Charles E. Schumer

United State Senator (NY)
Senate Majority Leader

Watch the video Senator Schumer made for us for our founding IHRAF Festival, March 2017 @ Dixon Place HERE

Wei Jingsheng

Chinese Human Rights Defender and Democracy Activist, called the “Nelson Mandela” of China.

See the article about Mr. Wei’s participation at the IHRAF Festival HERE
See the Voice of America video about Mr. Wei’s IHRAF Participation HERE

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

United States Congresswoman (NY)

See AOC’s mention of the IHRAM’s work with the Cameroon American Council and Cameroon activist Geraldine Sinyuy HERE

John Lewis

US Representative (GA) and Civil Rights hero (deceased).

See the video that Congressman Lewis made for us about the importance of art to the Civil Rights movement HERE

Other Honorary Committee Members include:

Amy Poehler, Actor

Senator Bernie Sanders (VT)

Senator Ben Cardin (MD)

Senator Chris Van Hollen (MD)

Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY)

Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez (NY)

Attorney General of Minnesota Keith Ellison

Congressman James P. McGovern (MA)

Congressman Jamie Raskin (MD)

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (IL)

Congresswoman Norma Torres (CA)

Congressman Ted Lieu (CA)

Assemblywoman Deborah Glick (NY)

Former Councilman and Majority Leader Jimmy Van Bramer (NYC)