IHRAM Writing laureate Mbizo Chirasha in candid conversation with esteemed Nigerian Writer, Prolific Editor and Professor Uche Akunebu
MC: Who is Uche Akunebu and How long have you been writing ?
Uche Akunebu: Uche Akunebu is in his middle age and hails from Awa ancient kingdom in Oguta Local government of Imo state, Nigeria. Born a twin to the illustrious family of Chief Isaac Akunebu and Chief Mrs Rose Akunebu. Writing is my career and teaching my vocation. I am married to Dr Amaka Akunebu, a paediatrician, with beautiful children, as we do not count children in my culture. As to my writing journey, I can conveniently say that I have been writing as a child up to my adult age. A rough calculation puts it at 40 years of writing.
MC: How many books have you written so far?
Uche Akunebu: I have authored as of last count 34 books, both literary and professional books.
MC: Which themes are you undertaking in your writings?
Uche Akunebu: My writings by way of theme, dwell heavily on policies and governance, human rights, corruption, social values, and what have you. Presently, I am working on a theme that tackles policies and governance in Nigeria, nay Africa.
MC: You are also an educationist, how do you juggle family, work and creativity?
Uche Akunebu: The academic environment appeals to me a great deal that I found it a natural habitat. In view of the irresistible allure, I have seen myself lecturing in a journalism school for a long time and offering greater intellectual works at public spaces as a public intellectual. The academic environment comes with a lot of challenges, that some of my friends in academia wonder at my churning out great books, despite the huddles in the ivory tower. The truth is that my writing has a way of wriggling out of day to day challenges in the ivory tower or in the family. Nothing stands in my way of writing, which explains the huge output.
MC: You are also an editor, how many projects have you edited so far, how has been the experience?
Uche Akunebu: Yes, apart from writing, editing other people's works is another specialty of mine. I enjoy the dotting of the “I” and crossing of the "Ts” that comes with editing. It brings out the patience in me, as one has to patiently read through the works and make corrections. I have edited more than fifty notable works and uncountable works as project supervisor of students in where I teach journalism. My experiences as an editor, is that I feel elated when books that I have edited, get recognition, and there have been so many instances like that. I also love the behind the scene effort that comes with being an editor. It has also paid bills, which is something one must be grateful for. On the flip side, it can consume precious time and some people do not appreciate editors the way they ought to be appreciated, as without an editor a writer's efforts can be in vain.
MC: Have you ever written and executed projects on gender rights, social justice, creative justice and other human rights?
Uche Akunebu: Yes, I have edited works in the areas mentioned. For example, I edited the "Speaking truth to Power " project of the International Human Rights Arts Movement based in New York. Maybe, my stellar performance got me an appointment with them as the Editor of the African Book series.
MC: Have you ever won any artistic or literary awards in the past five years?
Uche Akunebu: As for winning artistic or literary award in the last five years, I shall answer the question with a proverb from my Igbo tribe which says that "Onye Mmiri Huru Ukwu ya ka One buru" (it is the person that the river sees it's legs that it carries). To be more explicit, It is when you enter for literary awards that you aspire to win, but in my own case it has not been a practice to enter for literary awards. I remember breaking my unwritten rule, by entering into a poetry competition that would have ended up with a literary prize, to which you handled a long time ago, and was in the two long lists released; meaning that my poems are appreciated by the literary communities. With such a subtle reminder, throwing my hats into the ring by way of participating into literary competitions remains within the realm of possibilities.
Beyond the five years mentioned, the Minnesota university of Theology in 2009 bestowed me with a Doctorate of Literature, in view of my literary productivity. I was in my small corner doing my writing, not knowing that recognition from the ivory tower was coming.
MC: What is your next project , give us a few details about it?
Uche Akunebu: My next writing project is assembling some of my finest essays in the media and turning them into a book that will serve as a reference material for essayists and writers worldwide.
MC: Who is your literary giant in Nigeria and why so?
Uche Akunebu: My numero Uno (number one) in the world of letters remains Professor Chinua Achebe (of the blessed memory). He was a literary giant that other giants wished they were him. His book "Things Fall Apart" often regarded as his masterpiece, is the most widely read book in modern African literature, according to Google. In the words of the late Madiba, Dr Nelson Mandela, "There was a writer named Chinua Achebe,who in the company of his book, I felt the prison walls of Robben Island fell down". Talking of literary giants, Professor Chinua and no other name comes to my mind.
MC: What is the role of ANA, Association Nigerian Authors , Are you a member?
Uche Akunebu: Association of Nigerian Authors is an association that promotes literature and an umbrella body for published writers in Nigeria. I once served as the vice chair of the Abuja branch of the Association. By the special grace of God, some of us are regarded as the treasures of that association nationally.
MC: What is your parting shot to Nigerian Authors?
Uche Akunebu: My avuncular advice to Writers in Nigeria and Africa,is for them to raise the bar of writing and not to fall prey to the AI entrapment. Creativity and originality ,which are the hallmarks of literature, should not be sacrificed at the altar of AI technology, as doing so amounts to an eclipse of excellence in writing.
Dr Uche Akunebu is a polymath, poet, playwright, public intellectual, public speaker, biographer, essayist, and Journalism teacher. He is the author of the bestselling books "A press man and his Pen " and 33 others. He has delivered well received public lectures in Nigeria and abroad, and his incisive articles dots the media landscape. He is the National secretary and Head of Poets del Mundo (Poets of the World) Nigeria Chapter. Former Vice Chair of Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA ) Abuja chapter. He is the founder of poets for freedom in Nigeria. Editor of African book series of the International Human Rights Arts Movement based in New York. He is the executive Director of Media Pen Academy, Abuja.