This is the second day I see her without appetite for food and fun adventure. We usually venture to the neighbouring village in search of fruits or just spying over human beings. 

Human beings are unique in that they like to make their lives more complicated than they should be. A few days ago I heard they were talking about the experience of eating in a new restaurant in the city nearby. “I was so excited grilling the meats that I burned my sleeve,” one of them said. I am not sure why human being would want to go to a restaurant wearing a nice outfit to cook for themselves. We, proboscis monkeys, would never do that. First, because we don’t have monkey restaurants. And second because we are happy with fruits on the trees or sometimes at human beings’ kitchens. 

But human beings are also kind. Those people in the neighbouring village always help out each other. A family were celebrating a wedding last month and the entire village helped to decorate the house and cook massive amounts of food so they could party together. 

Liliana was born and grew up in West Kalimantan, Indonesia, where she fell in love with nature. She enjoys her work that contributes to tackling climate change, and likes reading and writing about what's on her mind.