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As writers, our primary responsibility is to reflect and interpret happenings in our society; we must also provide inspiration and guidance in our writings. Our job therefore, is to inform, to explain, to narrate, to entertain and to persuade. The function of a committed writer is also to reveal the world so that every reader loses their innocence and assumes all of the writer‘s responsibilities in front of it.

The major aim of this anthology is to combat violence against women, using writing for sensitization and awareness. Also, the anthology aims at changing community attitudes to violence against women.





Date Published

January 2022


Hear the Voices

Why we recommend…

  • Resilience

    Combating violence against women, using writing for sensitization and awareness.

  • A partnership

    This collection is a challenge given to the Nigerian Society of Campus Writers (NSCW) to help change community attitudes to violence against women.

  • Fighting percentages

    Rape and sexual violence against women are the two major problems in Nigeria. In 2015, UNICEF reported that one in four girls and one in ten boys in Nigeria had experienced sexual violence before the age of 18.


Voices of Ukraine


End Sars Rhythms