"The Slap," a Poem in Hindi by Salil Jain "Sajal", Translated by Pragya Bajpai, Ph.D
The Slap
By Salil Jain "Sajal"
The slap banged across my face
still reverberates in my ears
The sprightly gathering
thronged around me that day
celebrating the feat, raising a toast for him
My joy, my devotion laced
his dreams, his dedication
Then suddenly, something happened
that fuelled his rage,
argument amplified and flared up
I stepped ahead to allay him but
he raised his hand and left me numb
The matter is now in the rising whispers around
A talk of the town
I'm still drowned in the sharp sound
of the slap banged across my face
it still reverberates
They ask me to quash my self-respect,
forgive the damage beyond repair
and forget the whole nightmare
They tell me it isn't too much to bear
Strangers have my back and my own
ask me to reconcile
But I can't forget the slap
denying solemnity to live a lie
Every trace of lovelessness is evident
My faith, conviction, pride
and love that blinded me is broken
My heart and soul invested in you is at a loss now
I'm still drowned in that sharp sound
It's simple and clear in my mind
He can't hit me. He just can't cross the line
Nothing can mend this broken heart
he has ripped apart
There isn't any love left to give you back
I can't forget the slap banged
You are again a stranger to me!
~ सलिल जैन “सजल”
उस थप्पड़ की गूँज अभी तक मेरे कानों में है
शाम रंगीन और भरी महफ़िल थी
उस की ख़ुशी में भी शामिल थी
उस के अरमान और मेरी उमंग थी
उस की तरक़्क़ी और मेरी लगन थी
कुछ तो हुआ , जिसकी उम्मीद न थी
बात बढ़ी , मैं पास खड़ी थी
समझाने को , बस आगे बढ़ी थी
उठा हाथ और मैं सन्न पड़ी थी
चर्चा जिसकी अब सब मेहमानों में है
उस थप्पड़ की गूँज ,अभी तक मेरे कानों में है
भूल जा सब , एक सपना समझ कर
कर दे माफ़, उसे अपना समझ कर
बढ़ जा आगे , अभिमान कुचल कर
सह ले सब , उसे भगवान समझ कर
अपनो ने ना समझा , गले लगाया अनजानों ने है
उस थप्पड़ की गूँज ,अभी तक मेरे कानों में है
सोच पर पड़ा धुआँ , अब छंटने लगा था
आँखों पर पड़ा पर्दा , अब हटने लगा था
अटूट विश्वास , अब चिटकने लगा था
प्यार भरा दिल , अब भटकने लगा था
तेरे जीवन में मेरा निवेश , अब भरी नुकसानों में है
उस थप्पड़ की गूँज , अभी तक मेरे कानों में है
बात बस इतनी सी है , मुझे वो मार नहीं सकता
लकीर बारीक सी है , कर उसे वो पार नहीं सकता
टूट चुका है दिल मेरा , उसे वो जोड़ नहीं सकता
चल पड़ी जिस राह पर, मुझे वो मोड़ नहीं सकता
मुझको तुझसे प्यार नहीं , गिनती तेरी अब अनजानों में है
उस थप्पड़ की गूँज , अभी तक मेरे कानों में है
Lt. Col. Salil Jain is an Indian military officer by profession and a soul seeker by nature. He is an alumnus of Cadet Training Wing, College of Military Engineering, Pune, and Indian Military Academy, Dehradun. He is on the editorial board of the international e-magazine Brahmand: Voice of the Cosmos for creative writing. He has co-edited Unkahi: The Unsung (2021), a collection of poems from the Armed Forces to commemorate 75 years of independence. Email: salilsajal@gmail.com & Instagram: salil_sajal
Pragya Bajpai, Ph.D., is a proud mother, poet, artist, and Central Government Officer serving at the prestigious National Defence Academy, Pune. She hails from Lucknow. She is a postgraduate from Lucknow University and holds a Ph.D. in English Literature from Banaras Hindu University. Her debut book of poems is based on 51 English proverbs, titled A Potpourri of Proverbs (2021). She has co-edited three anthologies titled Unkahi: The Unsung (2021), The Force is With Us (2022), and Memoirs of Covid Warriors in Olive Green (2022) to celebrate the armed forces. She has also co-edited a collection of Hindi poems called Dabe Paanv (2022). She is the editor and designer of the international e-zine,Brahmand: Voice of the Cosmos. Her poems have appeared in many national and international anthologies and journals like Different Truths, Outlook, Setu, AWS, and The Wise Owl. Her poetry reflects on experiences and social life, covering psychological issues affecting people in general. Email: pragyabajpai@gmail.com & Instagram: pragyabajpai29