Youth Opportunities

Blackout Poem

Blackout poem --- a collaborative, global poetry project amplifying the voices for the voiceless

by IHRAM Youth Fellow Meredith Kim

Submission deadline: August 20, 2024

How will you contribute to our project?

We ask you to submit a poem related to human rights, identify a part of it (a stanza, line, word) that you desire to be NOT blacked out in our poem. We also strongly suggest that you share your artistic intentions and/or background story of your poem, to judiciously decide how your poem is going to be distributed in our final blackout poem.


1. How will you ensure that my artistic intentions in the poem don’t get canceled or misinterpreted?

In the sign-up form, we ask you to identify your favorite part of your poem, your artistic intentions, and your message you hope to communicate in the poem. Taking this into consideration, we will attempt our best to maintain the originality of your work among that of others. Your full, original poem will be accessible through our credit page, ensuring that while you contribute to our poem, your initial work has the potential to influence others and be appreciated for what it is too.

For further inquiry, please do not hesitate to contact

Eligibility Criteria

Your poem:

  • -  must be linked to human rights

  • -  translated or in its original form, but must be in English regardless

  • -  must be created by you. Use of Artificial Intelligence or the act of infringement are not tolerated, and any poem that fails to comply will automatically be excluded from the project

  • -  Must NOT promote hate or phobia ANY way
    We accept poems from EVERYONE as long as your poem meets our requirements.

    If interested, please fill out THIS FORM by the 20th of August.

Acts of Resistance

A youth writing anthology
on the power of resilience

by IHRAM Youth Fellow Maabena Nti

Submission deadline: September 20, 2024

Resilience is a virtue. It is inherent in arts and poetry. It has often been used as a tool to fight against tyranny and oppression. In light of  recent instances of oppression and tyranny around the world, for example the Palestinian crisis, Kashmir, Sudan, the Uighurs in China, Ukraine, refugees throughout the world, The Congo and many more places, we are looking for poems, short stories and art pieces by writers and artists between the ages of 13-25 that feature incidents of oppression, and the resilience in the face of these horrible experiences.

The theme of the pieces should be centered around resilience and pushing back against oppression and tyranny.

Submit writing that evoke empathy, understanding, and solidarity and uphold respect and dignity for all persons.

IHRAM will not tolerate any work which is malicious or signals out a particular group of people. Let your words be of hope and compassion in a world marred by injustice.

If interested, please fill out THIS FORM by the 20th of September.